She says :


Saturday, July 2, 2011

My 2011.

Honeymoon gone, nightmare come. :(

This year, hmmmm, so far is a special year for me I guess.

Don't wanna describe so much here, just see some pichas kays? :)

My Friends & My Family 

-the photo of 2011-

the first day of 2011. yeah it was my 14th birthday. 
she is my lovely cousin ! weeeee
imissyou badlyy!!!

-saya belum standby, macam alien anyway haha-

happy CNY. my friends and I. she is one of my classmates.
the most siao, most makan duit, most kacau, most geng eating.

March holidays. we went penang, it was a niceeeee trip.
an unforgettable memories, thank you !!

*toink toink* skip to JUNE :)

BBQ night. I was very paiseh, sorry ya babe.
Finally we've taken some photos, chatting & eatting.

AEON. they're my sistas. we know each other since Standard 2.
we're still the best friends. my BFF :)

HinHua Canteen Day. I long time didn't take photo with boy, felt so weird. hahahaha
He is Dickson, superahpek ! hahaha.
keep in touch ya friend  :)
( next time smile more laaa adui ! :p )

that's all for this post. hopefully all of you will like it :) 

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