She says :


Monday, June 13, 2011

School reopens.

Holidays gone, live with school life, again. HATEIT.
Woke up early in the morning, felt so weak, banged here banged there and started worrying something.
Didn't feel like going to school, urghhhh.

As usual, listening the announcements from principal when assembly.
It's freaking sleepy you know, I almost fall asleep but when principal suddenly mentioned about ' mingggu ini tiada class pecutan ' , i was energetic all of a sudden, weeeee.

Ohyay, love my principal. Kay I mean only this week. xD

The teachers have given us our results. Omg, mou ngan tai.
My English............... ISHHHH ! disappointed sia. WHY THE HECK my paper 1 so teruk :(
So carelesss lah me, duhhhh !  [ kays, it's too late. ]
Other papers, hmmmm, all like shti. -.- I already prepared to accept it but excluded ENGLISH ! :(

Then chatting with friends. I kept telling Apple that I'm still worrying something : /
I love her , we can chat chat chat chat, banyak bercakap.

bye bye fever, bye bye headache ; hello gastrci, hello catch cold.


Can you stop smiling to me and get out from my mind? :/
I decided to give up but you like always stop me.

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