She says :


Thursday, June 9, 2011

yeah I'm here always.

No matter what happens, I'll always be there.
You can share you happiness with me.
You can tell me your sadness, I'll try to cheer you up.
You can tell me anything, I'll concentrate and listen to you because you're one of the IP in my life.
You look not handsome when you're unhappy :P
I prefer you smile, you laugh. I hope you always be happy ;)

I don't know whether there is a girl or no one is staying your heart
If there is a girl, who's that? I don't know, I don't care as well.
I just wanna you remember, you're not alone :D

I know I should not crush on you because of some reasons but I DID :(

Move on or Give up? :(

ly :p


因为某些原因, 我转去打华语. xD


昨天等你online, 明知道你八成已经睡到像死猪这样, 我还是舍不得off.
因为只是几封SMS, 我不爽 :D
online 的时候, 重复 <好的事情> 大概有10多次, 边听边拿 tissue :'D
&想到某些事, 我睡不下. 半夜3点了, 我还是醒着的 : /

结果自己活该, 今天7早8早被爸妈吵醒, 陪他们去吧生.
其实我很累eh, 不是很想去的, 本想推掉, 可是妈妈好声好气地叫我去, 我又想到假期我到处跑, 都没有什么陪到他们, 就跟去吧 :D

发现自己每次假期都会渐渐地习惯吧生的生活, 我已经给了吧生我一半的假期 :)
可是去了那么多天,  还是没有看到他 :(
他真的很忙, 忙到 online 一下又 offline
假期就要完了, 我们从考试之前就说要出去, 出到现在假期都要完了. ZZZ
要等到几时? 不知道 /.\ . 只是, 我想你了 =) 
奇迹快点出现~~!!! xDD

昨天的还没有打, 等我得空先 :D! 
放了慧他们飞机, paiseh, 我不是故意的 >.<
明天我去度假料, hmmmm, 没有什么特别的feeeel.

before cleaning my face :D


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