Hi readers , I'm back to update this angel's blog as she kept forcing me so during our outing :p . So yesterday is our 8th outing since we were in a relationship. Was excited as usual. :) Woke up in the morning and suddenly my bros said wanna follow me as they wanna meet my girlfriend and watch their movie . SO okay lo I'm a good friend no matter what. :p When i reached there , she still haven't reached so i go walk walk at Brands Outlet to hunt for my prey. :) As soon she reached , I was like woww this stupid girl is so hot and sexy with the black nylon. :p i'm satisfied. hahaha. Then i held her hand and we went to the cinema :) We bought the Wedding Diary as she wanted to watch it so badly instead of going greenbox . Then we started our window shopping , we went converse to try out her shoes. :p So i picked one pair of pink converse for her to try . I kneel down a little bit to help her wear , i guess she expected that and somemore sit there and wait for me to serve her . Stupid girl hahaha. So she said the malay salesgirl was looking envy about us . Good thing good thing . Then we went every single shop i guess ? Was being sarcastic to her all time :) Love doing it as they said COUPLE SHOULD BE LIKE BEST FRIENDS . Totally agree as i hate awkwardness between a boy and a girl during a date . It looks stupid indeed . Then we still went back to Brands Outlet to look out for my shirts . Then we bought the same shirt although it's a bit too big for her but it's okay she looks cute . Because cannot combine guy's with girl's :( .

She need to improve her smile . :p
After that we went for our movie . :) And before that we went to meet my friends first. I think they were satisfied with my taste . Perhaps . :p
Okay this movie is epic and hilarious .
The guy beside ah niu is funny as shit in the movie . LOLOLOL.
We bought couple seat as usual . And hugged her usual . She's so comfortable to hug la hahaha .
I love hugging her . Then she put her leg over my lap as usual . nothing much to mention because always the same :p We kissed indeed :)
She's beautiful , my angel. <3
And so on she went back with her friends after that , started to miss her already . :/
Babe i promise i will change and will not let you feel insecure again . will stick with you more often . <3
I'm your boyfriend , i shall protect you .
I love you the most babe . <3
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